does it amaze you sometimes
to discover
how other people perceive you?
how other people see
your search for your path?
your search for your true self?
This past week my boss and I had a talk
about what kind of visuals we see
when we think of each other
I'm a pagan
and she's an ecopsychologist
so much the same
and so very different
The boss is a Gemini
and she is very definitely twins
and Air
what I see when I envision her....
is a meandering woodland path
as she flits back and forth from spot to spot
"oh...look at this...
oh look at that...
oh look at this"
enthusiastic and engaged
and not really paying attention to our responses
so much so that when she envisioned a picture
for the cover of our current calendar...
it looked like this...

on the other hand
I'm a Leo
a very strong Leo
I'm all about the fire and ruled by the sun
although I clearly identify with moon
The boss says that I'm also about heart
and being centered and steadfast
and portals...
and when she thinks of me
she also thinks of woodland paths
not so much in the line of duirwaghs
faery portals
but those that lead to something

I see myself and my path
as a different walk
than even many of my pagan brethren
for I am both, all and neither....
I identify with
both the goddess and the god
in everyone and everything...
I identify with all the
gods, goddess' and elements
earth, fire, water, air,
I identify very strongly with spirit
I identify with humanity as a whole
yet I neither do I identify with any one specific
deity, element, faith or path or person
I strive to be inclusive
and earthly
I am strongly moved by nature
I strive for kindness in my day to day
and globally
I do not ritualize
nor do I proselytize
I collect
and I share
and I love.
and if I am not successful
I do my best
to learn the lesson
this path has offered me
and then I do my best
to move on
placing one foot
in front of the other
on this path
that I can so clearly see

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