Thursday, September 10, 2009

a pagan rant

from Dark Lady Jade (I finds I likes it :)

"I get really aggravated too when people tell me I can't practice my religion the way I do.

"You can't be a pagan and support the war, or any kind of violence.

I don't support the war, but I could if I choose to. I support my troops, and refuse to demonize them. And they can take their pascifism and shove it up their asses. I wont' be a bully, but if I'm attacked, I will fight back."

"Paganism is all about the light."

Paganism is honoring both the dark and the light. There are those that lean towards light, and then there are those like me who leans towards dark. but we both recognize the other. Nature is light and dark, loving and cruel. Neither side should be denied.

"You can't blend Heathenry with Wicca."

Oh, hell yes I can. I've done it for years and the universe is still intact, lol.

"If you have Freya as your patron, you must honor her with animal sacrifice."

I was actually told this by someone on a Yahoo list. She said the Freya told her personally that she wants blood. Well, if that's the case, then she hasn't let me know this, so I assume she's not complaining with the wine, beer, wienies and cookies I've been offering. I cannot and will not kill an animal unless it's attacking me.

"You can't be Wiccan and eat meat."
Watch me.

"you can't call yourself Wiccan unless you have several degrees and belong to a coven that can trace it's origins back to Gardner's original Black Forest Coven."

Good luck on the origins hunt. If you practice Wicca, you're Wiccan, it's as simple as that."

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