Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have a ring
has 3 words imprinted on it:


when I put the ring on, the direction of the words - are reminiscent of power hands - one outward, one inward

so if the words are right side up for me to read them....then the word facing me will be my focus for the day

transversely - if the word faces out when I put on the ring that word will be the the focus of the day in what I see or hear or participate in during my interactions with my peers, colleagues and friends.

sometimes I get a cusp...the tail end of one word and the start of another...which splits the focus between the two...

I've been working with this ring for many many years....and I've always found that at the end of the day...when I still my mind before meditation I can find the singular most important connection as relates to the divinity the ring has given me in the morning...and I try to figure out what I've learned from it...

sometimes it's easy as seeing the nose on my face...sometimes I have to really dig for it...sometimes I don't find the lesson until it smacks me 2 or 3 times...but eventually the ring gives me the big AHA!

divinity comes in many sizes, shapes, faces and just has to be open to it


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