Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Banishment Collection: to Banish Spirits, People, Emotions, Illness, etc...

Page 2


To be performed during the waning moon.
--heatproof container or cauldron --black or white candle
--basil and garlic (for uncrossing, protection) --paper/black pen
Cast the circle
Invocation of the God and Goddess
Statement of purpose
I am here to banish negative influences from my life.
Right now, (name) is exerting an extremely negative force upon me.
I ask for the God and Goddess to assist me in banishing these forces and eliminating his/her destructiveness.
Consecrate the cauldron as follows sprinkle with salt-water recite:
In the name of the Lord and Lady I charge you to serve me within this circle.
I clear you of all former influences and energies that you may be fit for the workings of Magic herein.
Do the same with the candle. On a piece of paper, write full name of person to be banished.
Roll up and tie with black string. Sprinkle with salt water and recite
Thou creature of paper. By paper made, by paper changed.
Thou art not paper, but thou art negative influences in (person to be bound). So mote it be!
Light the black candle. Burn the paper in the candle, visualizing all negative power over you
vanishing in the flames and rising out of your world with the smoke
Sprinkle basil and garlic over the flames and recite:
Blazing force of cleansing fire Help me in this rite.
By air and earth, water and fire
So be you bound With this rite,
Your power takes flight Sky and sea,
Keep harm from me
Cord go round,
Power be bound
Your negativity will no longer come my way.
From henceforth, your power over me is banished. So Mote it Be!
Let paper burn itself out while visualizing a healthy, positive relationship with the person.
Cakes and Ale Thanking the God and Goddess
Close the circle, thank the watchtowers for their protection.

When there is a thing, situation, person, etc. that you want to be rid of, that you want to get out of your life forever.
Take a nine inch natural cord (nine being the number of the master of the self) or string.
Concentrating on your situation, person, etc., intensely talking out loud *or yelling as the case may be* slowly tie a knot in the cord. Before pulling it tight, make sure you get worked up with all the emotion you can muster on the subject; all the anger, pain, resentment, etc.
Then tie it up in the knot. Lay the string somewhere safe and enclosed, like a box.
Then go and forget about it. Get rid of the negative energy.
Take a shower/ bath, a bike ride, walk, see a funny movie, see your best friend (but don't'
talk about your problem), anything that will put you in a good mood and make you feel clean and powerful and refreshed. Then go back to the cord (within the same 24 hrs please), and hold it.
While visualizing your trouble disappearing from your life, and saying the same, untie the knot and
see it setting free and leaving. Burn the cord in a cauldron, preferably a copper one.
(a cup will do if you don't have a cauldron).

Speak directly to the entity, or in the room most affected, saying:
It is time to leave here; all is well. There is nothing here for you now, You must be gone
Go now, go ~ complete your passing, Go, and with our blessing fare well. Farewell.
Remove everything of the previous occupant ~ writing and photos in particular.
If there is anything you wish to keep, purify it with salt or incense, saying:
With this I purify you of the past Of hurt and memories Keeping only Love

Cast this spell in the bedroom. Open the window, walk in a circle widdershins saying:
"Turn and turn about, out, out, out. Badness put to rout, end to every doubt. Out, out, out."
'Sweep' the hurtful emotions out the window with your hands.
In an oil burner, burn ylang-ylang, myrrh and coriander essential oils.
Circle deosil saying:
"Winding, winding, winding, peace and joy now finding a love that's true and binding, winding, winding, winding."

Small issues can be handed in a magic circle, larger issues may need a full ritual.
Think carefully about which is best for the situation.
Needed : 2 black candles, a long black ribbon, black gloves, scissors, cauldron containing small amounts of alcohol and a silver bell.
Cleanse and consecrate all the items, and dress the candles (to send negative energy away from you), then light the candles.
Hold each end of the ribbon and name the ends.
Pass the silver bell over the alter several times until you feel you are in tune with the
Universal energies of love and peace. Anger is not a luxury afforded to you in the situation.
Put the black gloves on and say:
'I call upon the energies of Universal balance
I call upon the ancient energies of my people
I call upon the living energies of the Morrigan
Underworld and heaven
Land and sea, I awaken these energies unto me.
Witness now that I renounce and sever
Break bonds and connections with ________
By all the powers that are One Power
May the great sisters of Karma now weave anew
and separate me from you
As I will, so mote it be'
Cut the ribbon and say: 'It is so.'
Light the cauldron, and burn both the pieces of ribbon.

Begin by putting everything in its proper place.
Clean your house to perfection, open the windows, and bless all your magical implements.
Next, moving always to your left (counterclockwise, or wid-dershins as it is called in magical circles) anoint the doors, windows, and all openings of your home with a mixture of water (water), fennel (fire), oats (Earth), pine (air), and sage (wisdom).
These represent all elements of the magic circle.
For a blend that is less bulky, place the herbs in hot water to steep, then strain and use only the aromatic tea. As you go, visualize bright light pouring from your hands into every area that houses shadows, saying,
"Where light dwells, all darkness flee; Spirit ghost go towards the light, for ye are dead and must move on and away from my family, this house and me. This home is mine, I will not fear, but my child is scared so I ask thee to go with our blessings and love into the light where those you love ever wait for you! Your presence now cannot be right or welcome here."
Follow the entire circuit of your home, repeating the words and procedure in every room.
When finished, go outside if possible, making one full loop around the exterior.
The leftover water can be refrigerated or frozen for future use.
Finally, return inside and move clockwise through each room while burning either sage smudge stick or basil, dill, and marjoram. These herbs encourage blessings and joy.
Invoke the protection of your personal God/dress on your sacred space of home.
Then close the windows, leaving any spiritual energies outside.
There is often feeling of lightness and joy as you have helped the ghost go to the next plane.
Purpose of Spell - communication with and understanding the purposes of a ghost or a spirit
and asking them to leave if they disturb you..
Timing In-between times (noon, midnight, dusk, and dawn).
Halloween. Seasons of late fall and winter. Moon in Libra. Eclipses. and dark moon.
Day Wednesday.

Burn a black candle anointed with banishing and burn banishing incense.
Concentrate on removing whatever the health problem may be by saying:
As this candle burns,
so the illness turns,
melted like this wax,
cut like with an axe,
remove and banished,
all disabilities vanished,
as my word you see,
radiant health blessed be.
Let the candle burn until done, then bury ashes from incense and leftover wax.

Take a small clear crystal, an acorn, some rosemary and mandrake and a bit of green silk or cotton. It doesn't need to be a big piece. Cast your circle and creating a pouch from the herbs, bless them with each element saying:
"While this dwells within,
there will be protection without.
Cleanse and charge this charm,
element of against all who wish me ill!"
Now hang this somewhere not too obviously, like hiding it in a corner or over a window.
This will protect you 'til next Samhain when you should burn it in the sacred fire, crystal and all.
If it is not too tainted, the fire will just cleanse the crystal and you'll be able to retrieve it from the ashes but I always recommend just getting a new one.

Draw a picture of yourself with the negative thoughts affecting you.
(could be a black cloud, or your own interpretation of how they are affecting you).
Charge a red candle with healing energy, light it, and hold the tip of the picture in the flame.
After it's lit, drop it into the cauldron.
Now, with the red candle still burning, draw another picture of yourself without the negativity.
Place this under the red candle and let the candle burn out. You are done.

You will need:
Red cayenne pepper sea salt matches 1 small candle nine pennies
Empty out two-thirds of the pepper from its bottle. Fill the bottle a third full of sea salt.
Break the heads off the matches and use the heads to fill the jar almost to the top.
Match heads contain sulfur, a magical element used by witches to scatter negative force.
Sea salt is for cleansing and cayenne pepper makes things uncomfortable for people who try to harm you.
Write the name of the person you want away from you on a small piece of paper.
(If you have a signature, even better.) Insert the paper into the jar. Close the lid tightly.
For nine days in a row beginning ten days before the new moon, shake the bottle as
many times a day as you feel inclined to do so. Visualize this person moving away from you.
On the ninth day rub the lid of the jar with the wax of the candle. (Any color is ok but black is best.)
Take the jar to the closest river and throw it in.
Throw nine pennies over your shoulder and don't look back.

Perform this spell in your bedroom.
Open the window, walk in a circle counter-clockwise saying:
"Turn and turn about,
Out, out, out.
Badness put to rout,
End to every doubt
Out, out, out."
"Sweep" the hurtful emotions out of the window with your hands.
In an oil burner, burn ylang-ylang, myrrh and coriander essential oils.
Circle clockwise saying:
"Winding, winding, winding,
Peace and joy now finding
A love that's true and binding
Winding, winding, winding."
It is done!

If you can identify the actual spirit, locate the center point of the house, and standing there take a cup of red wine. After each of the following statements take a sip of wine, and drain the cup after the last direction.
Facing east:
Lady of love and power and all blessings, breathe love into this house, fill air with good.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing south:
Lady of love and living and all blessings, warm this house with comfort, make whole its hearth.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing west:
Lady of tide and time and every blessing, let every hour flow sweetly in this house.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing north:
Lady of strength and riches and all blessings, make this house strong and filled with earthly good.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Walk around the house saying the following in each room (including attic and cupboards):
Be comforted. All is well. Now you are blessed. You have life to nurture and nurture you.
Be calm. Be easy. Be comforted. You are blessed.
If you can identify the spirit, say the following in the room most affected:
It is time to leave here. All is well. There is nothing here for you. You must be gone.
Go now, go, complete your passing. Go, and with our blessing and farewell.
Often commanding any evil spirits to leave at once, in the name of your deity three times works well.
After this you could get a smudge stick of sage, or sage incense, and perform a house blessing carrying it deosil around the property and from room to room, paying special attention to doorways, crevices and windows, and also any places that `feel` cold.
As you do this with words from a house blessing, scatter salt and water which has been consecrated and blessed. Have windows and doors open as you bless the house.
Salt scattered along windowsills and doorways will prevent any entity re-entering the property.

A Ritual for the Dark Moon
Begin by setting up your altar as you normally do for ritual, making sure you have a black candle and wine or water in your chalice in addition to anything else you use. You will also need a cleansing, purifying incense and a censure or some kind of container which can be carried around your home.
It is best to set your altar on the floor for this rite, but you may do it however you feel most comfortable.
Cast your circle as you normally do. When you are through, kneel before your altar and light the black candle. With your arms held, palms upward, at your sides, call Hecate by saying three times:
"Hecate, beautiful Crone of Night
I call you here to put things right.
Transform the negative thought and pain
And help my life be whole again."
Close your eyes. When you feel the presence of Hecate and know she is there to help you, open your eyes. Bow your head to her to show your reverence, and then take the chalice, saying:
"Lady of the Dark Moon, Share with me this wine.
Bring your protection to Flood this life of mine.
May the waters of your eternal womb Bring change most divine."
Sip a small amount of the wine (or water), envisioning it as liquid energy, flowing to effect a positive change within and outside of you. Leave the rest as an offering to Hecate.
Light the purifying incense in the censer, cut a door in the Circle, and, beginning in the eastern-most corner of your home, smudge your home, going clockwise.
Go into every closet, the bathroom, and the garage - make sure your entire house is smudged. As you go, chant:
"Negativity be gone."
Come back into the Circle and visualize your entire house and yard bathed in a peaceful blue light.
Since you have created a void by banishing the negativity, you will need to fill that void.
Ask that good, protective spirits come into your home and that positive energies replace the negative ones that have just been banished. This is an important step, because if you don't fill the void with something good, the negativity will come right back.
Sometimes during such a ritual, I take one large and one small black stone and charge them to keep away negativity. I promise Hecate that the large one will remain in a prominent place in my house and that I will keep the small one with me at all times. Thank Hecate.
Meditate if you wish, visualizing your life free from negative happenings and feelings and full of love, prosperity, and happiness. Feel how She has changed your home and your life.
Close the Circle and know that it is done.

This spell can be used for a variety of banishing needs:
banishing illnesses, bad habits, negativity, etc.,
You will need:
• Carbon or flash paper Business size envelope
• A slip of paper that will fit in the envelope Appropriate herbs
• Healing: Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Juniper, Thyme, Willow
• Banishing: Basil, Asafoetida, Valerian, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Agrimony, Acacia, Cypress
• Appropriately colored candles:
• Healing: Green, Blue
• Banishing: Black
• Fast Action: Red
• Appropriate oil for anointing the candles
• Healing: Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood
• Banishing: Basil, Cypress, Acacia, Frankincense
• Appropriate incense
• Charcoal for the incense if necessary
• A disposable pen in black ink
At the full moon anoint and charge the candles with the essential oil and bless and charge the herbs you are going to use. Surround the base of the candles with the appropriate herbs and light the candles, cast your circle or otherwise prepare for magic as you normally would.
Cut a human figure out of the carbon paper (designed appropriately as specifically male for men, female for women) that will fit inside the envelope. Of course, if you need to, you can use a larger envelope but the business size is generally sufficient.
Lay the figure on the slip of paper between the candles, charge and name it as the Individual and with intent write on the figure what you are working on. (Such as, if the spell is to heal an illness you might simply write whatever that illness is, in example:
• "cold/flu." You might also write it over the appropriate body part, such as if it is a head
• cold write it on the head. If it's to overcome an addiction to cigarettes you might write
• "cigarettes" on the chest (or where ever you identify most with smoking) and even add a cigarette in the envelope! Be creative with it.
Charge both the paper and the doll with intent, by the elements, etc., and place them and some of the herbs in the envelope and seal it up. Lay it between the candles and allow them to burn until half gone charging and meditating on the purpose of the spell all the while! Store the candles somewhere secure to use later when finishing the spell.
Then place the envelope under the mattress of the "ill" person or recipient of the spell if possible. You may also, if it is not possible to put it with the person, place it behind a picture of the person in a frame; inside of a book they gave you, etc., You can also include nail and hair clippings if you like or what you will. Let this stay undisturbed for as long as needed but it should not exceed one full lunar cycle.
When the magic has run it's course and the deed is accomplished, or when the cycle is done light the remainder of the candles and set your circle or prepare as you did before.
Then open the envelope and put everything on your altar, between the candles in a fire proof bowl. First burn the slip of paper with the writing along with the herbs and the hair, nails, etc., if you included them in the spell, then burn the doll. As the doll burns it will turn from black to white (great sympathetic stuff here)! As you burn these things be sure to keep focused on the intent (such as banishing the illness, visualize the person whole and healthy, no longer addicted, etc.) Scrape all of the ashes back into the envelope and use some of the candle wax to seal it up again. You can carve symbols in the wax if you like. Be sure to, get rid of EVERYTHING which you used with this ritual (candle nubs, any remaining bits of herbs, the pen, etc., you should not have to get rid of the incense or oil as you should have used it anyhow). Bury or otherwise dispose of the envelope, far away from anyone's home or property.
*Flash paper (the kind magicians use) is great to use for the paper, just be sure the paper
is safely in the dish before lighting it! This shows the problem properly vanishing in a flash
and the doll burns removing the black and turning to white.
**Use extreme caution with Asafoetida, just a whiff of this herb has been known to cause
vomiting, better to substitute Valerian
***Its a deadly little number so be sure about casting it as what goes out comes back 3x3.

This is a Banishment of negativity spell, but a 7 day candle spell can be used for other workings, like prosperity, health, love etc. (on different days of the week)
This should be undertaken on Saturday (Saturn), and if you want to be more precise, the use Saturn's hour. You can either choose 12-1 (from midnight) 7-8 am or (from noon)
2-3 PM and 8-9 PM. It doesn't matter what time you finish, just start at the proper time.
Do this spell during the waning Moon towards the last quarter. Banishment spells are done during the Waning Moon because you want to stifle the negativity.
You will need:
1. Two regular white stick alter candles
2. A glass enclosed candle that will burn for approx. one week. If your local occult store carries the reverse candle with black wax on top and white or red at the bottom, this would be great, otherwise a black, brown, blue or purple is good since these are some of Saturn's colors.
3. Banishment or Uncrossing oil - or you can make it by taking the herb of rosemary, black
4. coshosh, basil, eucalyptus, Vervain and sage (some or all) and putting them in some vegetable or olive oil and cooking them lightly for 5-10 minutes (don't burn), strain into a bottle or jar.
5. Salt and water for sprinkling (consecration)
6. Incense, a good quality
7. Some parchment paper, but nice stationary will do (approx. 3x3 piece)
Before you start your ritual you may want to air out your space with sage.
Make sure you air out the room with open windows and doors so negative
spirits can depart. This is optional, but a good idea. Be bathed and wear some uncrossing oil.
Wear your ritual clothes or clean garments. Your altar and ritual area should be tidy but have your personal touch on it, with the things that represent you.
Begin by lighting your incense and sprinkle water and salt in the 4 directions, move deosil, or clockwise (dispel). Offer a short prayer in your own words to the elements earth air fire and water to come to your space to purify it. You can include your favorite wights or protectors.
Make this as personal as possible. What matters is what 'you' identify with, not trying to identify with some entity you've never heard of. Just be sincere, and visualize your space being protected. If you want to draw an imaginary circle moving clockwise, that's fine too, as long as you indicate the purification of your working space.
After the consecration, light the two white alter candles (protectors) and offer an invocation/prayer to your main deity and in your own words ask him/her for protection and the banishment of all negative entities that are troubling you, ask him/her to send them back to their origin.
They have no place in your life. Ask for all harm to be turned away from you, leaving behind only prosperity, happiness, courage, acceptance of transitions without doubt and fear, and control over your life.
State that your external forces have no power over you. Again, just be sincere, and whether you do this in a poem form or just simply state it doesn't matter, just say it with conviction.
After your invocation, take some banishment oil and "charge" the top of your glass encased candle with your finger tips, moving deosil, and offer a few words to remove and expel all the negativity around you. Now light the candle.
The parchment paper is your seal. It serves as an amulet, talisman and charm, it will do the work for you. There are many kinds of seals, but it can simply be something you create.
Write your intent or wish on the paper, in this case the banishment of ill-forces and your protection. Then put a few dabs of banishment oil on it and put it under your candle and leave it there until it burns out.
When you've finished with your seal, thank your deity and helpful spirits and ask them to depart and do your bidding.
Close the ritual by extinguishing your two main alter candles (never blow on the fire element).
Your 7 day candle will stay lit until it burns out, so you may want to have it in an extra glass or metal bowl for safety's sake, and out of reach for anyone to touch (including Freyja).
This is the end of you ritual. Now evening until the candle burns out, pick a certain time and stick to it, to sit down with your candle anywhere from 15 -30 minutes and seriously and intently focus or meditate on your wish or expectation. It's always good to start with a prayer or chant, this depends on you particular spiritual practice and whatever suits you.
Never miss a single day. If more than one of you is doing this ritual, you must all sit together each evening for the candle visualization and stick to it.
When the candle finally burns out (7 days, sooner or later), take the seal and burn it, and sprinkle the ashes outside your front door and forget about it. You have banished all the ill forces around you, go confidently about your daily life.

Begin with a purification bath.
Light the twin candles on the altar and burn a protective and/or cleansing incense.
Fill your chalice with freshwater (be sure to consecrate it) and blessed salt.
Kneel or assume the Goddess position as you say:
"Naked come I into this sanctuary With love and faith
From those who have gone before. Innocent am I in understanding
Holy and pure in my love of all good and blessed things.
Supreme Goddess, ruler of light, Lord of all Hear my prayer,
Help me now to dispel this thing of unholiness This creature of darkness,
Who dooms itself to shame and unhappiness. Save him if it is thy will to do so.
Send him to the light. Mercy is the song I sing; forgiveness the word most precious.
In thy everlasting grace I say this. In humility I ask this. So mote it be."
Take up the chalice of salt-water, face the east wall, dip your fingers into the water,
raise your hand and say:
"Powers of the East Powers of the daystar rising
And all fresh beginnings I purify you with salt and with water
For good vibrations of friendship warmth and love."
Then sprinkle some extra water and proceed to the south. Say:
"Powers of the South Powers of the summer sun
Which warms our bodies and our minds
I purify you with salt and with water
For good vibrations of friendship, warmth and love."
Repeat in the west:
"Powers of the West Powers of the purifying and cleansing waters
From which all life comes.
I purify you with salt and with water
For good vibrations of friendship, warmth and love."
Repeat in the north:
"Powers of the North Powers of the earth, the ground On which we stand.
I purify you with salt and with water For good vibrations of friendship, warmth and love."
Then proceed around the room sprinkling water over all the thresholds, windows, and doorways and in all corners.
REPEAT IN EVERY ROOM. Anoint your 3rd eye Chackra point with the holy water. Then.. Add more incense to the burner, take up, and do the same thing, using the same verses substituting "fire and air" in place of "salt and water."
As before, proceed around the room censing all the thresholds, windows, doorways, and in all corners. REPEAT IN EVERY ROOM. Take the fire candle (or a candle for this purpose) and your athame and, starting at the door or entrance, walk slowly CLOCKWISE through the house, through each room pausing at each door, window, and mirror and moving the candle across it, also pentagramming each window, doorway, and mirror with the athame.
Proceed room by room spiraling clockwise. Draw a pentagram in the air in the incense smoke.
All the while chant the following:
"By the One Power I hereby consecrate this space To the Goddess and the God,
According to free will And for the good of all; I hereby release, In all time and all space,
Any negative cause, effect, manifestation, form or essence,
Any negative event, thought, energy, idea or vibration, And transform it to
And replace it with Only positive, joyous good In keeping with the Universal harmonies
Of the Goddess and the God. This space is divinely protected This space is perfectly safe.
Nothing and no one can enter this space Unless I (or my loved ones) allow them to.
This space is sacred Consecrated and dedicated to positive living
For myself and my loved ones And for the work of positive magic.
No harm can come to this space, or anyone in it."
As you draw each pentagram say:
"Only good can enter here No negatives can enter All harm is sealed out."
When you are back at the entry point conclude:
"Love lives here Health lives here
Abundance lives here (Name self and loved ones) live here
We claim this space for ourselves, for the mutual good
And so mote it be!"
Thank the Lady and the Lord. You will feel light and free of any darkness.
Do this Ritual Spell if you have been in contact with anything nasty that has frightened you.
It is also very good if you have had nightmares.

Spell for relationships gone very bad. If someone keeps hassling you and you're having
trouble getting them out of your life then give this spell a try.
• 8" yellow candle 8" blue candle 8" gray candle
• a cheap knife charcoal heavy-duty safety pin
• You will need to find a place where there is green grass and trees growing in one direction and the other direction needs to be more barren (such as sand or rocks).
• Only perform this spell between the hours of twelve midnight and one in the morning. Start the spell on a Sunday night.
• Cut seven notches in each candle.
• On the base of the yellow candle engrave your name and birthdate and on the gray candle engrave the name and birthdate of the person you are trying to get rid of.
• Place the blue candle in the middle, the yellow candle on the grassy side and the gray candle on the barren side. The candles must be placed 24 inches from the blue candle.
• In the middle between the blue candle and the gray candle place the knife lying with the sharp blade facing the gray candle. Surround the gray candle with some charcoal.
• Draw a dove with your little finger of the left hand around the yellow candle. With your left hand light both the yellow candle and the blue candle.
• With your right hand light the gray candle. Repeat the following words three times:
o "atce atce atce ete el ikaw".
• Let all three candles burn one section.
• On the next night repeat the same moving the candles another 24 inches apart.
• Continue for seven nights in total until the last night you will have one section of each candle.
• Bury the gray candle in the ground with charcoal.
• Bury knife with blade facing gray candle. Bury blue candle.
• Take the yellow candle home and place in bottom draw of your cupboard on white cloth.

• Rolled parchment, 2 inches wide and as long as you like One black pen
• One purple candle Oil of your choice Incense of your choice
1. Cleanse and consecrate all supplies with the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water).
2. List all your debts on the parchment. Draw a banishing pentacle on the back of the parchment.
3. Carve a banishing pentacle on the candle. Place the rolled parchment in the candle holder then tighten the candle on top. Think of banishing your debts.
4. Think of the feeling of happiness and relief when the debts are banished.
5. Light the candle. Take the candle to the East quarter and ask that the Sylphs send your message of debt-banishment out to the universe in a safe and protective way, and ask that prosperity return to you in the same manner. Put the candle back on the altar and, in your own words, ask Juno to banish the debt and replace with prosperous energy.
6. Allow the candle to burn completely. The paper will catch fire, so watch what type of holder you are using (glass will break) and that the candle holder is on a fire-safe surface.
7. As the candle burns, concentrate on banishing your debts, your feelings of relief and happiness, and the coming prosperity.

This ritual can either be done by yourself or with others participating.
(It may be helpful to have others assisting with this.)
Incense to burn: frankincense, pine, lilac, or rosemary.
This chant is to be said very forcefully many times over.
You are not to come near my body.
You are not to go before me.
You are not to follow me.
Where I stop, you are not to stop.
Where I sit, you are not to sit.
At my home, you shall not enter.
You are not to step in my steps.
You are not to be in my shadow.
Where I go, you are not to go.

This is a spell for love gone wrong, for ending a personal, family or business relationship that you no longer wish to be in.
It is a fire spell. To work it, gather herbs of protection and an image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.)
Something written in their own hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing or a personal object will also do.
Put everything into a fireproof container - iron cauldron, marble mortar, whatever - and set fire to it as you perform the spell.
It should make a very satisfactory blaze that reduces to ashes.
The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain.
Flush them down a toilet if you are very angry.
Dispose of all the objects that connect you to the person: gifts, letters, photographs, etc.
It is especially important to get rid of jewelry. Move house if you have to.
Be careful with this spell. It's permanent, so don't use it unless you really mean forever.
“By the crimson and the gold
by basilisk and bloodstone
by the garlic in the fields
by the poppies and what they yield
invisibly I make my shield
to detect thee and deflect thee
and keep thy harm from me.
By dragon's blood and salamanders
by horses when their hooves strike sparks
by the dragon breathing flames
from the Book of Life I erase thy names
I cut the cords and unlock the chains
I sever all the ties by which we were bound
and with impenetrable walls myself I surround
against thy power and its source
against thy evil and its source
Vesta, Pele, Lilith
Kali Kali Kali
I banish thee forever from me
and any harm from thee to me
doubles back and tables turned
thou shalt by thyself be burned
Lilith, Vesta, Pele
Kali Ma Kali Ma
by the power of three times three
I banish thee, I banish thee, I banish thee
I am set free
So mote it be!”

A Spell for relationships gone very bad
If someone keeps hassling you and you're having trouble getting them out of your life then give this spell a try.
• 8" yellow candle 8" blue candle 8" Grey candle a cheap knife charcoal heavy-duty safety pin
• You will need to find a place where there is green grass and trees growing in one direction and the other direction needs to be more barren (such as sand or rocks).
• Only perform this spell between the hours of twelve midnight and one in the morning. Start the spell on a Sunday night.
• Cut seven notches in each candle.
• On the base of the yellow candle engrave your name and birthdate and on the Grey candle engrave the name and birthdate of the person you are trying to get rid of.
• Place the blue candle in the middle, the yellow candle on the grassy side and the Grey candle on the barren side. The candles must be placed 24 inches from the blue candle.
• In the middle between the blue candle and the Grey candle place the knife lying with the sharp blade facing the Grey candle. Surround the Grey candle with some charcoal.
• Draw a dove with your little finger of the left hand around the yellow candle.
• With your left hand light both the yellow candle and the blue candle.
• With your right hand light the Grey candle. Repeat the following words three times:
"atce atce atce ete el ikaw".
• Let all three candles burn one section.
• On the next night repeat the same moving the candles another 24 inches apart.
• Continue for seven nights in total until the last night you will have one section of each candle.
• Bury the Grey candle in the ground with charcoal. Bury knife with blade facing Grey candle.
• Bury blue candle. Take the yellow candle home and place in bottom draw of your cupboard on white cloth.
• This is good spell for stopping anyone hurting or getting at you without doing an evil or nasty thing to them.

• You can make this ceremony as simple or as elaborate as you like.
• To perform this ceremony you will need a smudge stick, a candle, and lavender or some other pleasant scent. Start by calling on your protector.
• Once you feel its presence, say a simple prayer of protection, such as:
Creator, Great Spirit, Universal Energy, I call upon your love and your protection.
I call upon the beings of light and all those beings that help lost souls.
See this being that has lost its way home.
It believes it is of the dark; it has forgotten it is of the light.
Please surround it with your love and gently guide it back to the light so that it may heal.
Please surround this place and all within it with your love and protection. I give thanks.
• Light the candle and smudge stick.
• Thoroughly smudge the area and yourself and allow the smoke to clear the area of any negativity.
• Then stand in the center of the room and declare that only beings of light are allowed in your aura or dwelling place. Call upon beings of light to protect you and your location.
• Demand that all lower energy forces leave now and return to the light.
• Declare that this place is only for those who live in love and light.
• See yourself and the room filled with and surrounded by bright white light.
• Know you are safe and protected. Sprinkle lavender around the room.
• Make sure you protect yourself for a few days after you release the beings.
• One way to do this is to visualize your energy field and see it filled with white light.
• Mentally seal it with white light and see flecks of green and pink light floating around your body. Do this several times a day for the next few days.
• You tend to be more open to negative beings once one has been removed, and this process will help seal up your energy field.
• If you again feel a negative presence, repeat the ceremony.
• The easiest thing to do is make sure you don't attract one in the first place.
• If you remember to call upon your protector and keep yourself surrounded by white light, they can't get near you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)