get thee out
to thine apothecary
and buy thee
plenty of red candles
and fire and mercury incense!
My sister wise Tam
(who sadly has had
to lock her blog
from prying busy body's
so I can't link you up)
reminds us
that Mercury in retrograde
is upon us
from Sunday, January 11th, 2009
and straightens out again
on Sunday, February 1st, 2009
that's more than a week
so watch those cosmic P's n Q's people!
~I'm just sayin~
to thine apothecary
and buy thee
plenty of red candles
and fire and mercury incense!
My sister wise Tam
(who sadly has had
to lock her blog
from prying busy body's
so I can't link you up)
reminds us
that Mercury in retrograde
is upon us
from Sunday, January 11th, 2009
and straightens out again
on Sunday, February 1st, 2009
that's more than a week
so watch those cosmic P's n Q's people!
~I'm just sayin~
"At 16:45 UT (Universal Time), on Sunday, January 11th, 2009, Mercury the cosmic trickster turns retrograde in Aquarius, the sign of the Water-Bearer, sending communications, travel, appointments, mail and the www into a general snarlup! Since this is the day of the potent Full Moon in Cancer, people's emotions will be on high alert! The retro period begins a few days before the actual turning point (as Mercury slows) and lasts for three weeks or so, until February 1, when the Winged Messenger reaches his direct station. At this time he halts and begins his return to direct motion through the zodiac."
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