Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Banishment Collection: to Banish Spirits, People, Emotions, Illness, etc...

It sometimes amazes me how simple or in depth our work can become. Banishment comes in all shapes and sizes...this collection of workings and spells should be used at your own may update them or change them to meet your needs...As always...remember the Law of the Three.
(page 1)

• 1/2 oz olive oil 7 drops pepper oil (add cayenne pepper to olive oil if you wish)
• 10 drops peppermint oil - or peppermint essence from icing part of a grocers plus olive oil.
• 12 drops of rue or rosemary oil. You can add rue or rosemary to olive oil and put in a warm
• place for 3 days and strain or buy the essential oil.
• Some crushed black peppercorns
• 15 drops of pine oil or some pine needles stepped in olive oil for 3 days in warm place and strained, Or pine essential oil.
• One obsidian or black onyx stone or a small black pebble.

Blend together in an eggcup and put in a clean brown or dark medicine bottle.
Some of these oils are volatile.
Do not anoint yourself with Banishing oil.
You could burn yourself.
Wash your hands after using.
Charge the stone or stones used after adding it and focus on the person and your intent pouring in energy and emotion. As you dress the candles you make them your magical tools. Charge again as you massage away from you massaging in banishing oil from
middle to the ends of the candle.

Cloves, garlic, basil mixed with base oil.

Hematite is the all-purpose grounding (energy-balancing) stone, not to mention a beautiful ornament. Tell, or charge all your troubles to or into the rock, then put it on the ground overnight, so that the negative energy will soak into the Earth and become neutral.
Another charm to banish sickness is make by placing a gold coin in a glass of red wine.
Put this beneath the stars and waning moon for three nights, and each night drink one
third of the wine to shrink your sickness until it's gone. This originated in rural Welsh regions, with some similar spells appearing in Scotland and England.

If this one has hurt this other one, let him be wracked with the same pain.
If this one has cheated, lied, let him be cheated and be slandered.
If this one has made this place uncomfortable for this other,
let him now depart this place in health and whole, but not return.

Shout this Mantra:
"Angels of Protection,
Angels who clear
Remove all spirits
Who don't belong here!"
Call upon your highest teacher, angel, or God to clear the spirit. To increase the potency of this spell, burn sage incense and white candles. Use a glass of water to collect negativity, then flush the water. Also, wear any jewelry that is sacred to you. Express power and strength, show no fear. While you meditate after the chant, know that the atmosphere around you has been cleared of all evil spirits.

Instructions: Sit in a quiet place that is special to you.
Hold a white or cream candle in your hands and visualize the area of your life that this
candles energy is needed in. After you light this candle the energy will come to you.
It may come right away or when you lease expect it.
When you are ready recite the spell or use your own words of power.
“This candle I see before me, its color so bright,
Holds my needs of change in its light.
I call in the forces higher than I
To release the energy that is held inside
May it work for me in the most correct way,
Harming none and helping all as it leaves my stay.
I call on thee in perfect trust and love sending me guidance from above.
This I make happen and so be it will.
Take away this thing that brings me ill.
So mote it be.3x3x3”

Use a black candle, with a picture of the person (if obtainable) placed underneath,
also a piece of parchment with the person's name on it.
Carve the Divine Names "Eel kanno taf" onto the black candle.
Anoint the candle with Banishing Oil. Burn for nine nights, each night reading Psalm 94.
Put the candle out after Psalm is done (NOT by blowing it out).
On the last night let the candle burn all the way down.
While the candle burns (on each night), meditate and focus strongly on the aim in mind.
Imagine strongly the person leaving you alone; imagine strongly their evil deeds turning
back onto themselves. Do this for about 5 minutes each night before you pray the Psalm.
(Note: a purple candle could also work for this, but used black if this person had
been very harassing in a serious way).

You will need:
Three small pine branches, a few feet in length (or three fern fronds)

The Spell:
To banish evil that has come, go into your garden at night.
Cut three small pine branches, a few feet long, or three fern fronds.
Circle your garden with these slowly and call forth all the powers and spirits of your garden in whatever words feel good to you. Express your hurts and fears and ask for help from the Earth Mother. Then "sweep" the house with these branches or fronds, pushing all the dark energies out the front door forcefully, saying:
Throw the branches away, off your property.

To the Goddess, I do pray
Grant me power, strength to flay
This one's curse
With these words, I hold thee at bay.

Say "What is dark be filled with light, remove this spirit from my sight."
Before starting place your hand before you, and start the flow of power out of your hand and then say the words, letting the envisioned blue-white light from your power hand fill the room or house or any other place that you might be.

When the moon is in a waning phase, write on white parchment paper (or whatever you have) the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date if known. Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle
is washed away.

This will protect without causing the person bound any harm. It is not a dark spell but a very potent protective one. You may use a different oil if you wish to use as a banishing oil.
Rosemary may be substituted for Rue.

• 1 black taper or image candle (gender depends on who you are trying to bind) nail
• black cloth a large piece of black cloth red ribbon cotton needle and thread
• Banishing oil (see below) loose tobacco
• a small mirror that can stand by itself
• If you can obtain hair or nail clippings from the person or a picture, you can use it in this spell.
• Fold the felt in half and cut out a rough shape of the person you want to bind.
• Make the figure large enough so that you will be able to stuff it after you have sewn it together.
• Sew the pieces of the poppet together, leaving a hole through which you can stuff the poppet.
• Fill it with cotton and tobacco, and if you have the hair or nail clippings of the person, add those to it.
• Once it is filled, sew the opening closed. If you have a picture of the person,
• staple or sew it to the front of the poppet.
• Next, carve the name of the person onto the black candle with the nail and add these runes:
• Thuraz, Isa, Eihwas, a dark filled in circle to represent the dark moon,bars like you will see in a jail, and a widdershins (anticlockwise) spiral.
• Anoint the candle and the poppet with the oil.
• Cast a circle, invoke the elements, God or Goddess you are working with.
• Light the altar candles.
• Light the black candle and adjust the mirror so that flame is reflected in the glass.
• Hold the poppet out in front of you and say:
"Creature of cloth thou art,
Creature of flesh and blood you be.
I name you (name of the person you are binding).
No more shall you do me harm.
No more shall you repeat false tales.
No more shall you interfere in my life, nor in the lives of my loved ones.
By the power of the Gods and by my will, So mote it be!"
• Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet.
• Now take the ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy, leaving no space unwrapped.
• Say:
"I bind your feet from bringing harm to me.
I bind your hands from reaching out to harm me.
I bind your mouth from spreading false tales to harm me.
I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me.
If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly at you!"
• Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all negative energy this person has sent to you being reflected back at them.
• Wrap the poppet in the black cloth and tie with another length of ribbon. Say:
"Great Mother, I have bound this person
from harming me and my loved ones.
By the powers of three times three
By Earth and Fire, Air and Sea
I fix this spell, then set it free
Twill give no harm to return to me
As I will, So mote it be!"
• Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base, then take the poppet
and the remains of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground
or toss it in the ocean and walk away without looking back.

1. Draw a picture of yourself with the negative thoughts affecting you (could be a black cloud, or your own interpretation of how they are affecting you).
2. Charge a red candle with healing energy, light it, and hold the tip of the picture in the flame.
3. After it's lit, drop it into the cauldron.
4. Now, with the red candle still burning, draw another picture of yourself without the negativity.
5. Place this under the red candle and let the candle burn out. You are done.

Inscribe on a red candle:
As you burn the candle visualize the fever being burned away with the flame.
Before the candle burns all the way down, quench with ice water.
The fever should disappear quickly.

This is a variation on a popular spell used to stop someone from harming or bothering you. This must be performed during a waning moon.
• On a piece of parchment or recycled paper, write the name and birthdate of the person you are wishing "away".
• Now fill an air-tight container (like a baby food jar or Tupperware container) with water.
• Add a pinch of one or more of these magical herbs: ash tree leaves, clover, lovage, lilac, garlic.
• Take the paper with the name on it and fold it three times.
• Tie a black string or thread around it and drop it in the water.
• Seal the container up and bury it in a safe spot in your garden, yard or flower box.
• Once the person has left you alone or no longer poses a problem to you, open the
• container and empty it to the earth. Keep the container instead of leaving it to Mother Earth.

The moon should be dark or waning. You should perform this on a Saturday.
• Take 7 sheets of toilet paper and write: "I banish poverty" On each sheet.
• Flush them all down the toilet saying:
• I banish poverty.
• With each one. Do this every day from the full moon à the dark moon.

Take an iron nail - rusty and old. On a dark night - moonless and cloudy, set upon
a smallish flat stone. With an iron hammer strike it thrice. At each stroke say:
Clavus Ferreus
Malleus Ferreus
Ferrum Refilum
Ferrum Nobilis
Score the stone three times across with the nail's point, then take the stone and
bury it far from the house. Carry the nail with you always as a charm.

Ingredients: A Handful of Salt
• Cast the salt into the flames of a fire. The flames will turn blue.
• Gaze into the blue flames and with as much feeling and imagination as you can muster,
• visualize the illness leaving the person while incanting:
“Sickness burn, Great good health return.”

This is a very short, quick and simple spell to do. It can be done anywhere at any time (though during the waning period of the moon is best as that is the time for banishing magic).
All you need is yourself, an intent, a person in mind (it helps to have a picture of them if it is difficult for you to visualize them) and your finger ( I'll explain).
• Draw a banishing pentagram in the air with your index finger. This is done by drawing a five pointed star backwards (the opposite direction you would normally draw it, not upside-down)
• Draw it while saying:
• Let this pentagram banish all ill health and negativity from (the persons name).
• There is no specific number of times you repeat this process, it becomes as
• many as you feel is enough.

1. Write on a small piece of paper:
2. Flee! Pain can not find me I am free!
3. Calm is drawn to me I am free!
4. Wrap this with a dark blue ribbon and carry with you or wear it.

• Take an Athame or wand (or use your index finger) and repeat the banishing
• pentagram ritual while saying:
• malady, disappear into the heavens;
• Pain, rise up to the clouds;
• Inflamed vapor, fly into the air,
• In order that the wind may take thee away,
• That the tempest may chase thee to distant regions,
• Where you came from where you did no harm So mote it be!

Creek stones and an Earthen bowl of water are used in this ritual. Its purpose is to deflect negativity.
• Fill the bowl nearly full of creek stones, then fill the bowl with water. The chant used here is:
“Bowl of reflection stones of protection may the reason of my harm feel the power of this charm
Sisters three come work for me bowl detect stones deflect and water reflect peace and harmony now come to me as I will So Mote It Be!”
• Change the water once a week and renew the chant. Throw the old water on your doorstep.
The sisters of the Wyrrd are incorporated here. The bowl stands for the first sister, she of the past; The stones stand for the present and the second sister; the third action, that of reflection, is for the sister of the future.

• Here is another good spell for getting rid of an unwanted suitor.
• Take a small square of paper and write on it the name of the annoying would-be lover.
• Use black ink for this. Many Gypsies also say that it is best to use one of the old "dip" pens and ink,rather than a modern ballpoint, but you could experiment. Let the ink dry; don't blot it.
• Then light a white candle and burn the piece of paper in its flame while thinking of the person running away from you. Catch the ashes in something
• (burning the paper over an ashtray is a good idea) and carry them out to a hillside (you can do this by putting them in a small plastic bag, similar). There you must place the ashes on the upturned palm of your right hand and hold it up, saying:
“Winds of the North, East, South and West,
Carry these affections to where they'll be best.
Let her/his heart be open and free,
And let her/his mind be away from me.”
• Then blow on the ashes so that they scatter to the winds.

1. Get a small jar or bottle with a lid.
2. On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it.
3. Then write their name on it 9 times, but not inside the house.
4. Fill with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a river or ocean.
5. That is a good one but back it up with splashing War Water on all their outside door knobs
6. and porches. Do this as you build energy visualizing them packed up and driving away down the street.

• In a small pot, crush items that the person you are wishing away hates (say, if they hate
• china berries, then crush those!) While you crush, visualize that person staying away from
• a certain place. When everything is crushed, then add the four representations of the elements.
• these are: 1 pinch of salt (earth,) 1 sprinkle of water (water),
• something flaming, (fire) (dip in, then pull out three times),and incense (air) (do the same as the fire)
• Crush again. Before putting in elements, ask the lord and lady to bless them for you,
• so that they may work their purpose faster, longer, and stronger.
• Visualize the person staying away, while you chant :
"Berries of the trees, make true the wish to me.
Keep (name of person) away from here,
so that I may rejoice and cheer"
• Then, smear a bit of the mixture over whatever you want the person to stay away from.

(so they don't continue to play the same detrimental roles in your further incarnations.)
• On parchment or some other nice quality paper, write in red ink (dragon's blood ink, bat's blood would be great too):
“(Name) I declare our contract broken.
You no longer have power over me.
Never again will I be your servant, in this life or any other.
(you can use your own words, go into detail about how you feel you've been wronged
manipulated, whatever.)”
• Sign your name, burn it with of allspice around the outer Circle, starting at the top, going in counter clockwise position. Chant:
“Bind this (man/woman) I name ________
Bind him/her from our home and life.
Give us peace, remove the strife.
Let their will be free, as long as he/she stays away from me.
Protect our family from this day forth,
Allow _______ to never darken our door.
Reflect back now and please be Quick.
Keep him/her away, if _______ breaks the spell.
Make him/her hear well,
If ______comes back here
Make _____ b_come violently ill.
As I have Willed, So it shall be.”
• Thank all Elements for attending the right. Close Circle.

• If a person wanted to try a link-break, they would have to evoke the bond again [to break it] ... They could use a simple sorcerous ceremony to evoke the link. ...
• Get a private room, and draw a diagram on a surface you can stand and walk around on.
• They'd diagram out a central circle one pace in diameter.
• Then they'd draw another circle about one pace in diameter.
• Then they'd connect the two circles with a line.
• On one side of the line would be written the person's name.
• One the other side of the line would be written the other person's name.
• Next two effigies would be prepared. A photograph with a name written on it is nice.
• People with old fashioned leanings can make them out of clay or wax with some caballa one could make them out writings on sheets of paper.
• One effigy is for the person linked to. It's put in a bowl or something that cooking wine can burn safely in, like an aluminum kitchen bowl. The second effigy is of the donor.
• That can be put into an ordinary kitchen bowl as well.
• Next a series of things in a backwards-seeming order is performed.
• First, holding the effigy of the other person, the characteristics of the other person
• are invoked into it. It's then stuck into its bowl and sealed in its circle; let's call it circle B.
• Then the donor's effigy has the donor's characteristics invoked into it and it is sealed into circle A.
• The link connecting the two persons is then *evoked* from inside the donor, with them calling it forth and projecting it into the line connecting the two circles.
• Then with some convenient wand or kitchen spoon or something, tap the line connecting the two circles, invoking the line to represent the bond between the two.
• Then after walking three times around the whole contraption, counterclockwise and make drawing gestures with the wand, kitchen spoon, laser pointer, etc. the force linking the two is commanded to decouple and withdraw from the line into the separate sealed circles. Then the line is broken physically with the wand, laser pointer, whatever and the link is commanded to break and not reform.
• Remaining are two potentized effigies in separate sealed circles.
• It's finished up by taking salt water (Epsom salts are nice) and banishing any connection that the donor effigy has with the donor by pouring the salt water over it without breaking the circle A, while commanding any connection be dissipated harmlessly.
• Then cooking wine is poured into the other bowl in circle B and a match is tossed in
• and the command is given for any link that the effigy has with the other person to be
• cleanly and harmlessly consumed by the flame . Then the mess is cleaned up in a normal way.
• If you should happen to do this, you do it at your own risk, and are fully responsibility for whatever happens. It's a good idea to experiment with cooking spirits beforehand in a controlled manner to determine what kind and amount and lighting technique is most advisable in individual circumstances.

Here is a handy spell to end a relationship. You will need to know your astrology symbols.
• Get a black piece of paper.
• On this black paper at the top of it you want to put the signs for Pluto, the Moon,
• and Saturn, on the paper, in black ink, at the top.
• At the bottom put a pentagram (five pointed star) upside down, also in black ink.
• On one side of the star put your birthday, on the other you put your partner's birthday,
• also in black ink.
• Burn the paper. As you do so shout "NAI-KAM-MO"
• Mail the ashes to the person. (Only do this spell once a week until that person leaves.)

There are times in our lives when we become burdened with worrying. We spend so much time worrying that we never come to solving the problem. Sometimes we have past hang-ups that prevent us from moving towards more positive lifestyles.This little spell is to help us put an end to these ruts in our lives.
1. Needed: Ashes from burned wood Jar or bowl to hold the ashes
2. Moon Phase: Waning Moon
3. Locations: Outdoors in a clearing
• Gather wood ashes the day of the spell and place in a glass jar or open bowl.
• During the day, hold the jar or bowl and visualize all your worries and/or hang-ups pouring from your 3rd eye and heart and into the ashes. When the night falls, take the ashes to a clearing in a field, wood, or parking lot. Hold the jar or bowl in your hands and do one last pouring out of your worries and hang-ups. Now say:
o "You are ashes, And to ashes you shall return."
• Pour the ashes out of the jar or bowl and walk away without looking back.
• When you've returned home be sure to wash out the jar or bowl.
• Burn some incense, take a bath, or light a candle, and refocus. It is done.

Point your Athame at the sky, and then at the earth. Then pointing Athame horizontally
either spin 360 or walk around the perimeter with the Athame held out in a threatening manner.
Spirits of evil, Unfriendly beings
Unwanted guests, Be gone!
Leave us leave this place, leave this Circle,
that the Goddess and the God may enter.
Go, or be cast into the outer darkness!
Go, or be drowned in the watery abyss!
Go, or be burned in the flames!
Go, of be torn by the whirlwind!
By the power of the Mother and the Horned One
We banish you! We banish you! We banish you!
Sprinkle the perimeter with salt and water.

If you need to banish something from your life, prepare a pot of soup.
Draw a banishing pentagram in the soup, then stir nine times counterclockwise, saying:
"Blessed Lord, gracious Lady, hear my plea.
Remove (insert what needs removal) from me.
For the good of all, with harm to none;
once this is eaten, the spell is done!" Eat the soup.

To get rid of unwanted visitors you should place a broom by the front door.
If you can, make a small sweeping motion as place the broom, and if you can
do this without being noticed, so much the better.
This will speed such people on their way and give you some peace of mind.

This spell is for dealing with someone who is more of an annoyance than a threat, someone who really gets on your nerves or stresses you out by intruding in your life or violating your space. It is for someone you have already asked to stop but who persists in bothering you. It is not a spell to use on someone whose actions you object to within their own life or space.

You need:
* a box * herbs for protection
* two heads of garlic (or more, if you are using a big box or dealing with a group of people)
* a photograph of the person, or their name written on a piece of paper
Put everything in the box. Cover the box and give it a good hard shake, mentally yelling at the person to modify the behavior that annoys you. Put the box away, in a drawer or up on a shelf.
Take it out and give it a hard shake, yelling at them, every time they annoy you.
After the first week or so you should seldom need to shake the box.
Throw the box away in a few months, when the garlic begins to spoil.

Used to rid oneself of potentially damaging blocked, or denied memories-
The premise for this rite is that we all have blocked memories in ourselves, that we either won't, or can't face. They may include everything from being teased at school by our 'friends' to emotional, physical, or mental abuse by parents, loved ones, etc.
The purpose of this rite is to draw these hidden memories up into a closed box, open it in a manner similar to the Pandora myth, and meet, greet, and make peace with the memories, as they can be very detrimental to one's ego growth if kept hidden.
Instead of finding hope in our boxes though, we will find acceptance, and peace with oneself, and one's past.
This rite is good for anyone, even those who assume they have had perfect childhood's.
You don't always realize the past is dragging you down until it is too late, and you would be amazed by what you can find out about yourself!
You will need:
• Yellow candles Kamea of sol A box of any shape, or size A solar incense
• (And, music of a childlike nature may be used to enhance the atmosphere.)
• The box should have a lid.
• Paint the inside glossy black, or line it with an irregular reflective surface, such as aluminum foil.
• The outside should be decorated with any drawings, pictures, or whatever one may want to
• help evoke a childlike state of mind, and to help trigger childhood memories.
• Start with an opening of any sort you feel comfortable with.
• Light candles and incense as desired.
State the intent: "It is my will to greet my past, and accept it for what it is."
• Recite the invocation:
"I call the past to meet the present,
that the future may be bright.
I bring myself forth from the dark,
and hold me to the light.
Let not the past control my present,
let not my future be dark as night.
I meet and greet me with open arms,
and move back into the light."
At this point, one person sits in the center of the group with their box, keeping it closed.
She focuses on the box while the rest of the participants circle around, teasing, insulting, degrading her. At this point, the teasing should not be too personal.
When she reaches gnosis, she opens the box, and gazes inside, seeing whatever she sees.
At this point, the taunting should reach a more personal, and vicious attitude.
This continues until they close their box again.
The box then is dealt with in whatever manner she sees fit.
It can be destroyed, left open in a spot of sunlight, kept for future uses, as it may be a good idea to do this more than once. When the first person is finished, another takes her place, until the entire group has a turn. Banish by laughter and embraces.

• Some people are wooed by persistent would-be lovers, those who won't take no for an answer and who won't leave them alone. This is the ideal spell for such a situation.
• It should be done during the waning cycle of the Moon.
• Have a roaring fire going, then go outside and pick up two handfuls of dry vervain leaves (you can place them on the ground ahead of time, if necessary.)
• As you pick them up, shout out the name of the one you wish to be rid of.
• Turn and go into the house (or cross to the fire if this is all done out in the open) and fling leaves onto the fire with the words:
Here is my pain;
Take it and soar.
Depart from me now
And offend me no more.
• Do this for three nights in a row. You will hear no more from the unwanted ones.

This is a spell to protect a person from the criticism and hate of another.
This spell can be done during any phase of the moon.
You must have something that is connected to the person, like a piece of handwriting,
a picture, hair, etc. Place this in a container, and set it aflame. While it is burning, chant:
Away from me Away from me Away from me Away from me

If there is a situation, problem, possible menace you are facing, there is a knot spell for this.
• Take the cord and firmly visualize the problem in all its agonizing detail.
• Become emotional about it; seethe with anger, crumble into tears, whatever works.
• Then firmly tie the knot. Walk away from it, out of the room if possible.
• Take a shower, eat, do whatever will get your mind off the spell and allow you to relax.
• When your emotions are stabilized return to the knot. With calm and peace untie the knot.
• See the problem vanishing; dissolving into a dust that is swept away by the cleansing, refreshing North wind. It is done.

Sprinkle salt in their shoes and imagine them outside your home.

Best time to cast this spell: sunset on the eve of a New Moon
--A yellow candle a teaspoon of salt half a cup of Olive oil
--a chicken feather (you should gather feathers in a non-harmful manner)
The spell: gather up your ingredients and go to a quiet area in your home where you can be alone.
Light the candle and put the salt into the cup of Olive oil. Pick up the feather and repeat these words:
Cauda Draconis (or a deity you choose to work with)
Help me in my time of need
I want (the person's name here) to move away from me,
In good health let them be their possessions - let them keep
Let wheels begin to help them to move away from me.
This is my will - So Mote It BE!
Dip the feather into the olive oil and soon as you are able - wipe the feather on the ground
in front of your house and near the neighbor's house (make sure no one sees you!)

This ritual is used to get someone out of your life that you just can't seem to get away from.
You'll need:
• a string of hemp a small dish
• a red, black, gray or black candle with the wick removed
• a cut burnt through to the candle's center.
• Slip the hemp through the crevice in the candle, and, holding both ends of the string with one hand.
Begin to burn through the center of the wax, where the crevice starts.
Channel energy into the candle based on what negative things the source has given or done to you.
Then, as the wax cascades into two pieces and the hemp burns through, visualize yourself and the other source like the wax. Two separate bodies.
A regular circle needs to be cast for this ritual, and you have to make sure you want no ties with this person again when the ritual's through.

One onion
Take your onion and wash it in fresh spring water (purchased also from the witches' friend, the local supermarket). This spell is best performed during a waxing moon.
Wear earth colors to ground you and, if you wish, burn some sandalwood oil or incense.
By the light of a black candle (black absorbs negativity, remember!) peel your onion at midnight.
As the tears come, take away a layer of the pain you are feeling with each layer of the onion
that you peel away.
Onions represent Mars, which represents war and feelings of angst and anger at our enemies, so peeling through the onion will open the heart chakra, allowing you to experience the feelings you have been hanging on to, and layer by layer, release them. This spell is all about not wishing to get even, or to obsess any longer over those who have harmed you.
After you have peeled your onion, place the peels on a plate (stainless steel or silver) and put on a window ledge in the kitchen where overnight the moon's energy will draw away the negativity banishing it from your environment for good
Complete this simple spell with a long, languid bath into which you have emptied three handfuls of sea salt.
This will purify, protect, and strengthen you further.
As you lie there, think of how much better you feel now that the desire to get back at someone has dissipated.

Mugwort angelica 3 hairs of an imposing beast black cloth oil of frankincense or myrrh
Mix the mugwort and angelica in equal parts, add to it the 3 hairs and bind together in a black cloth.
Add a few drops of the oil onto the cloth. then say
" He who is strong, he who is mighty
Lend thine power to this charm
Demons turn on your heels and run"
Draw over it a pentagram and the charms of banishment.
Burn the mixture to drive away the spirits that ail you.
Burn it in your home or room you wish to exorcise. Bury it before your doorstep and no demon
shall touch you nor enter. Wear the charm or hide it in the roof to ensure safety against any ills.

This is a spell for love gone wrong, for ending a personal, family or business relationship
that you no longer wish to be in. It is a fire spell. To work it, gather herbs of protection
and an image of the person (photograph, poppet, etc.) -Something written in their own
hand, a lock of hair, a piece of clothing or a personal object will also do.
Put everything into a fireproof container - iron cauldron, marble mortar, whatever -
and set fire to it as you perform the spell. It should make a very satisfactory blaze that reduces to ashes.
The ashes can be buried or washed down a drain. Flush them down a toilet if you are very angry.
Dispose of all the objects that connect you to the person: gifts, letters, photographs, etc.
It is especially important to get rid of jewelry. Move house if you have to. Be careful with this spell.
It's permanent, so don't use it unless you really mean forever. It's also powerful.
"by basilisk and bloodstone
by the garlic in the fields
by the poppies and what they yield
invisibly I make my shield
to detect thee and deflect thee
By dragon's blood and salamanders
by horses when their hooves strike sparks
by the dragon breathing flames from the Book of Life
I erase thy names
I cut the cords and unlock the chains
I sever all the ties by which we were bound
and with impenetrable walls myself I surround
against thy power and its source
against thy evil and its source
Vesta, Pele, Lilith Kali Kali Kali
I banish thee forever from me
and any harm from thee to me
doubles back and tables turned
thou shalt by thyself be burned
Lilith, Vesta, Pele Kali Ma Kali Ma
by the power of three times three I banish thee,
I banish thee, I banish thee I am set free So mote it be! "

The following is an effective and simple spell to encourage the end of a relationship
if you are no longer interested in the person as a lover.
a black candle a white candle salt, water dragon's blood incense
and a picture of the person you wish to end the relationship with.
It also helps if you have something of theirs (a ring, watch, etc. that they will wear at a later time, and wear often).
Arrange all these items on a table or altar somewhere quiet that you will not be disturbed.
Write your name and his side by side on a piece of paper.
Before casting this spell, it is important that you realize the meaning behind the various things involved.
Each item represents something, and all four elements (earth, air, fire and water) are also represented.
(1) The white candle represents good will, as you do not wish the person any harm,
you are just no longer interested in a lover's relationship with them.
(2) The black candle represents 'ending' or 'finality'.
This signifies the ending of the relationship as it currently is.
** Both candles represent the element of fire.
(3) The dragon's blood incense represents the element air.
(4) The bowl of water represents the element of water.
(5) The salt sprinkled around your table represents the element of earth.
(6) The picture and personal items from the person help you to concentrate on the person,
and the item that they might wear later will further infuse them with the power of the spell.
Now, to cast the spell:
Light the candles and incense, going around the table from North to West to South to East
(this represents diminishment or decrease, and you wish to decrease the love binding you
and your boyfriend/girlfriend.)
Cast a circle, paying tribute to the lord/lady/dragon/guardian of each of the watchtowers,
again going from NWSE in direction.
Repeat the following chant 3 times, and on the third time tear the paper that you've written
your names on in half.
"O fire and flame of candle dark, I call your power to free his/her heart.
As I tear this paper with our names inscribed, separate his/her (name) love from me apart.
Bring to him/her not one ounce of charm, but fall him/her to another's charms.
Nevermore as lovers shall we two be, but forever in friendship may we meet.
As I will it, so mote it be."
Take the two pieces of paper with the names, and burn yours in the flame of the white
candle, and burn his/hers in the flame with the black candle - when they burn down far
enough that you can't hold them any longer, drop them in the bowl of water.
Ground the power and close the circle! This is very important. I usually do this by turning
my palms downward and saying
"Circle open, but not broken - power down, to the ground".
The spell is finished, except that you must allow both the white and black candles to
burn completely down(I like to use votive candles for this reason, so they don't have to burn so long).
If you like, you can take a small silk purse or felt bag and place the burnt pieces of paper, ashes
from the incense, salt from the table or altar's surface, and a few drops of water from the bowl in
the bag and keep it until you are certain the spell has worked. It also works well if you write the
spell on parchment paper, sprinkle some of the ashes on the paper then fold it so none of the
ashes can fall out and seal the fold of the paper with wax dripped from both candles.

Items needed: basic altar set up, 13 inches of cord or thread in color symbolic of need.
Shield, ground and center, cast circle. Charge of the Goddess and God.
Visualize desired need as cord is tied thusly:
As each knot is tied, say the corresponding phrases:
Ground, cakes and wine, thank the Goddess, open the circle.
For love, money or drawing magic, keep cord until spell is successful, then burn or bury it.
For banishing or binding magic, after working is through, immediately bury cord off of property.

• 1/2 ounce olive oil 15 drops pine oil 12 drops rue oil 7 drops pepper oil 10 drops peppermint oil
• flower: crushed black peppercorns
• gem: obsidian or black onyx
As with most recipes, you'll probably have to substitute... this is a good thing, it makes it your own.
Be careful though as most of the oils called for are skin irritants.
Make a poppet out of black cloth, stuff it with cotton balls or batting and tobacco.
Add hair and/or nail clippings if you have them.
Sew it closed and staple a picture of the person to the front of the poppet (if you have one).
Carve the person's name into a black candle and add the runes Thurisaz, Isa, Eihwaz, Dark Moon, Widdershins and Bars. (Dark Moon is a filled-in circle; Bars is a tic-tac-toe with 4 lines up and 4 lines across; Widdershins is a counter-clockwise spiral with a an arrowhead at the end.)
Anoint the Poppet and Candle with Banishing Oil (if you can't make the oil, a single oil with
banishing properties can be used). Cast a circle, invoke the elements and the God or Goddess you are working with (I'd use The Morrigan, but she can be rather volatile).
Light the altar candles.
Light the black candle and adjust the mirror so that the flame is reflected in the glass.
Hold the poppet out in front of you and say:
Creature of cloth thou art,
Now creature of flesh and blood you be.
I name you (name of the person you are binding).
No more shall you do me harm,
No more shall you spread false tales,
No more shall you interfere in my life, nor in the lives of my loved ones.
By the power of the Gods and by my will,
So mote it be!
Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet.
Take a red ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy, leaving so space unwrapped. Say:
I bind your feet from bringing you to harm me.
I bind your hands from reaching out to harm me.
I bind your mouth from spreading tales to harm me.
I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me.
If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly back at you!
Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all negative energy this person has sent to you being reflected back to them.
Wrap the poppet in black cloth and tie with another length of ribbon. Say:
Great Mother, I have bound this person
from harming me and my loved ones.
By the powers of three times three
By Earth and Fire, Aire and Sea
I fix this spell, then set it free
'Twill give no harm to return on me
As I will, so mote it be!
Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base, then take the poppet and the remains of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground or toss it in the ocean and walk away without looking back.
Author's note: This spell is very powerful and works quite well. I've never had the need for a different binding spell. Sometimes binding spells work in unexpected ways.
The person you are binding may suddenly decide to move away, they may have a change of heart and turn into a decent person after all, they may go through a horrible streak of bad luck and learn their lessons the hard way. There is an outside chance that if they are projecting enough negative energy, the might end up hurt. Be assured, they were only caught in the backwash of their own negativity.

Time: During the seven days of the Full of the Moon.
When and Where: Outside, Barefoot, facing east.
Clothing: white cotton.
Bathe and meditate while using this breathing method.
Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
When through, visualize the negative energy flowing out through the drain.
Go outside and face east. Place the left arm straight down to the side.
Palm flat against the body. Right arm straight out and palm side up.
Bring up until the Full Moon rests on your palm as a crystal ball would rest.
Meditate again using the Ohm meditation as you would a musical scale.
When you are still and feeling the energy. Repeat the following:
Great Mother Goddess and Father God
You who are all yet nothing.
Beyond explanation and understanding.
I ask thee to grant my request this night.
I ask that you take the negativity that was sent to me
And send it swirling into the Universe.
Let it be sent back to the sender three fold
And as a lesson of what is right and wrong.
Let the residual energy be sent to me three fold
With loving, caring healing positive energy.
I ask that you grant this request.
I also thank Thee for your kindness and caring attention.
I ask this in the power of three So Mote it Be!


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for such wonderful spells.

Anonymous said...

Thank u so much!